What have I got to blog about?

In common with a lot of people, I'm a bit of a displaced person. I spend half the year living in the beautiful hilltop town of Lectoure in SW France and the other half in a very different but equally stunning place, the city of Edinburgh, Scotland's capital. (Sorry Glaswegians, but it IS.) Wherever I am I write....novels, short stories, shopping lists and now blogs. It's a curse and a blessing, this compulsion to put everything into words. Here's to all you fellow writers out there who, like me, hope some of our words will find an audience!

Saturday, 19 February 2011

No Ordinary Child | Wild Goose Publications


I wrote my meditation NO ORDINARY CHILD more than ten years ago, not long after one of my sons had 'come out'. I didn't write it with a view to publication. It was my personal account of the journey God was taking me on regarding my attitude to homosexuality. I felt prompted to seek publication when someone suggested it might help other parents in a similar situation, but it was by no means the end of my story. Only recently I came across an Amazon reader review of my book, written several years back, which I'd somehow missed at the time. This reader commented that they weren't convinced by the final chapter, one where I spoke of embracing my son's sexuality with joy. They felt I had a way to go to get to that point. I think maybe that was fair comment. So from my present perspective, I'd like to add a brief postscript to the book. Ten years down the line, I've seen a lot of prayers answered for my son, not least in the provision of a wonderful partner who, in spite of no formal ceremony, feels like my son-in-law. I treasure my relationship with both of them. I don't pretend to have all the answers and accept that everyone is at a different stage of their own personal journey, but it's important to keep travelling. 'Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.' (Psalm 30 v 5) Working through the deep issues of life often involves tears, but, as I'm sure many of you can testify, if you 'hang in there' the outcome is frequently joy.

No Ordinary Child Wild Goose Publications.

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